Baby at 35!

A 35 year old woman’s journey of marriage life, family and having a baby.

God’s blessing of a prayer answered September 25, 2009

Filed under: Insight — ll @ 11:10 am
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I was looking today at the past blog posts that I have written, and because I have the memory of a goldfish, I really couldn’t remember when I had the miscarriage. And when I read the blog entry , I realize that it was this year 09 Chinese new Year the day before. And my baby will be due on 14th Feburary, the first day of the new year.

What a glorious way to celebrate God’s goodness in my life! There is time for mourning , but also a time for rejoicing.

I am reminded of a song sung in church. IN HIS TIME

In His time, in His time,

He made all things beautiful in His time.

Lord please show me everyday,

as you are teaching me your way,

that you do just what you say

In his time. “


Do I have Gestational Diabetes? September 24, 2009

My mother has type 2 diabetes. My grandmother had type 2 diabetes. My great grandmother has type 2 diabetes. Does this mean that I have it too?

Gestational diabetes according to Google health, is defined as high blood sugar (diabetes) that starts or is first diagnosed during pregnancy.

Usually the doctors will ask to do a gluocose test when you are between 24th – 28th week of pregnancy. However, since I am considered a high risk patient, I was given the test at 17 weeks. I had to drink this fizzy orange flavour drink and then wait for 1 hour before taking a blood test. I hate the sight of blood, so imagine my fear when I saw that the nurse came with four empty tubes. Yuck.

Anyway, three weeks have past and nothing was said so I thought I was in the clear. However the doctor called me this morning and left a message to say that there was a higher sugar level than normal, and so I have to go for further gluocose test which will take three hours and it will then confirm if I have gestational diabetes or not.

I can hear my hubbie saying ” I told you so ” in my head already. Ok, time to take my diet and exercise more seriously.

To read more about Gestational diabetes, I found the following useful links:





Thoughts on friendships and advice September 23, 2009

Filed under: Insight — ll @ 10:35 am
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I have been thinking very recently due to facebook and finding many long lost friends that I did not keep in touch with in UK. The type of friends I had, those who I shared some activities together like choir, and those that I truly shared experiences together. Being a somewhat extrovert person, I realize how important friends are in my life and my need to socialize.

I tend to make friends easily. I think it is because one of my most valuable asset as a friend is that I really do take an interest in people’s lives and I like to listen to their stories. it is really enjoyable for me to hear their lives as they account for their past and future fears and wants. And one thing that I make sure that as a friend , I do not do or at least try very hard not to do is to give personal advice on their lives. I think it can be a friendship breaker. True, one might argue that it does strengthen a friendships, but I rather not go there.

Over the last year, I have become more astute to observe how many of my friends from Singapore in the past and in the present have always offered advice to me, not realizing perhaps the potential damage that it might cause, or whether it actually might offend me. It’s weird because i never ask them for advice, but they offer it anyway. Is it because it is expected of them or is it because they want me to do the same??  Or even more cynically , could it be pride that they have to give you an answer ? I really can’t figure it out yet.However, I am led to believe that it is partly cultural, I do notice that people in Singapore do that way way more than Americans. I also realize that most of the time the advice they give tend to be from their perspectives and their own biaseness. It is never truly objective and looking at my point of view.

For me, I always hesitate to give advice partly because in many case, I think that is not what a friendship is – to give advice ; and also because I don’t think I know better. Unless I have been in their shoes before, or it is a non-emotional decision to make and biased towards a rational decision – then i will say something. e.g. whether it is the right time now to invest in stock etc; but otherwise I will keep the thoughts to myself.

Am I being dishonest as a friend? In a way, I guess so. I think in my lifetime there are only less than five people in this world that I dared to tell them to stop sprouting advice, but I don’t think I have ever dared to really tell them if they are making a mistake or to give them advice.

The only two that I have was when one of my friends told me that she was gay, and understanding her family background, I told her that she was doing out of rebellion and a mistake. And the other is when another friend was having an affair and I told her  to stop it. Those advices were given years ago, and now I think I hardly say anything like that so major. Is it because I have less friends now than I had before? Or is it because I no longer care as much?

No, I think it is because I value their friendships more than what they do with their personal lives. I want to be a friend that will accept them from where they are- unstable or stable; sane or insane ; making a bad decision or not; perfect or not. I only draw the line when they give me advise that is opposite of my own values and feel that they are imposing on me what they want. But otherwise whatever they are doing, I try to be as neutral as possible.

Hmm. Somehow I am still not satisfied with my own answer. I still think that there is a catch or a loophole somewhere, something flawed. Perhaps I will have more insight when the time comes.


Ultrasound scan at 20 weeks- September 22, 2009

Filed under: Second Trimester — ll @ 2:42 pm
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With great trepidation and excitement, we went to see the radiologist today for the ultra sound scan at 20 weeks.

I thought the whole process would be over in 20 minutes, but it took a whole lot longer, the technician had to take photos of the heart, the leg, the size of the brand, the vital organs etc. It was quite a surreal experience- seeing something from your body that is a part of you and yet not part of you. It’s a total new being and body.

We wanted to find out the sex of the baby- I don’t know what they need to ask that, if technology advances allows you to know- wouldn’t you want to know?

The technician kept turning and turning the scanner around my belly and finally she shouted- Oh there is the penis- it’s  a boy! Wow. She pointed it out to me and I saw a kind of a round bump unmistakably- so it’s a boy. I was quite surprised, cos I thought it would be a girl since all my friends around me were having girls and I thought that it would be the same for us. Well, the name would be simple then as what we thought before- Jack yi .

It’s truly a miracle of life- don’t you think??